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Product Passport templates and ETIM: opposites or a perfect match ? 

EU’s Green Deal programme is taking shape, resulting into several projects to standardise the product information flow. The Digital Product Passport is coming soon, and many related programmes are running at the moment.

On the engineering side, a lot of effort is being made to standardise the BIM process. Resulting in a set of ISO standards that are candidates for becoming European norms. This also involves the standardisation of BIM object data. And BIM objects are in fact (made of) products.

While the electrotechnical industry has invested for decades in an automated product data flow based on standardised product classification and product data exchange formats, all these new initiatives seem to be overlapping.

Are we reinventing the wheel? Or are all these initiatives little pieces of a bigger puzzle? What role can ETIM International and EUEW play in all this and what future lies in the globally adopted open product classification and product data exchange standards of ETIM International?

In this webinar we will unravel all initiatives, standards and programmes, clarify responsibilities and discuss the impact on the electrotechnical industry.
We look forward to your participation in this Initiative Multiplier.
Presentation by:
Jeroen van der Holst,
Community Director of ETIM International

Moderated by:
Koen Lauryssen
EUEW Secretary General

1 hour
  • 30 minutes presentation
  • 30 minutes Q&A


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