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Green Packaging

Did you know that in Europe, 40% of plastics and 50% of paper use is for packaging? To achieve our ambitions on reducing packaging, cooperation between all links in our supply chain is essential. Because many of the products we sell in the electrotechnical industry are produced and packaged centrally, it makes sense to gain international insights and seek alignment. That is why the European Union of Electrical Wholesalers (EUEW) will host a webinar on Green Packaging under the form of an Initiative Multiplier. During this webinar, the Dutch Federation Fedet will share the ins and out of their supply chain initiative to reduce packaging in our industry (the “Packaging Industry Plan”).

Packaging Industry Plan of FEDET

This initiative originated at the start of 2022 and is tailored for the installation industry. The plan aims to reduce and enhance the sustainability of packaging within this sector. The Dutch Federation, FEDET, serves as the primary point of contact for all Manufacturers & Wholesalers involved in this project.

The goal of the plan is to move towards a circular economy by minimising the use of primary raw materials and reducing packaging waste. To achieve this goal, cooperation across the entire supply chain is essential - from the packaging supplier, manufacturer, and wholesaler, to the installer, end-user, and waste collector. A collaborative approach ensures a more significant impact. The plan began as a joint effort by nine companies from the installation industry, ranging from manufacturers and wholesalers to installers and today nearly 50 companies from this sector commit to incorporating the goals for 2025 in their strategic plan.

Presentation by:
Sebastiaan Scheers, FEDET (Netherlands)

1 hour:
  • 30 minutes presentations
  • 30 minutes discussion and alignment

Moderation by:
Koen Lauryssen, Secretary General EUEW


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